The very first thing a buyer must do is find out their price range based on income and debts. Otherwise you’re just spinning your wheels.
Your HomeSell agent can refer you to several area home loan advisors, who will assist you without charge in finding out what that price range is, and later help you in financing your new home with the best loan product for your situation.
If your credit record is bruised, we can help you get back on track and improve your credit score.
When your credit problems are more serious, but you want to buy today, consider our Rent-To-Own program. You can actually move into your new home, while your credit is being repaired.
Remember the 16%? Nearly 80% of those give up within 60 days and list with a real estate firm. Why? There are multiple reasons:
• not enough exposure
• buyers have agents working on their behalf and most agents want to work with other real estate professionals
• advertising can be expensive
• frustration working with unskilled buyers
• bad experience with a buyer
• unsure of all the finer details of contract negotiation, documents needed, etc...
Ever notice how most FSBO ads say "Realtors Welcome 3%". Because they realize a real estate professional with a client has to be paid by someone and traditionally sellers pay the fee. Whether we agree with it or not, thats the way it works. So to attract those buyers you have to offer 3%. So, because of HomeSell Realty, the difference between trying to FSBO or working with an experienced, dedicated real estate firm can be as low as $1995. Lets do the math:
• FSBO Sign $50
• Flyer box $15
• paper & ink for flyer $20
• website help $200
• Appraiser to see what your home is worth $400
• 1st ad in paper $150
• Open house sign $7
• more paper and ink (curious neighbors took all of your flyers the 1st time) $20
• 2nd ad in paper $150
• attorney to help with contract $250
• attorney to help understand the offer you finally received $250
• 3rd ad because the deal fell apart $150
• total $1662.00
• Total savings doing it yourself $333
So, you risk your most important asset to save $333 and to be successful less than 3.5% of the time.
What does HomeSell offer for the extra $333? More exposure and professional guidance. More exposure means more offers. More offers mean more opportunity to sell your house under your terms (price, desired closing dates, less contingencies). Call HomeSell today. A good real estate agent is priceless; a great deal is $1995.